Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Still Learning

Summer yields not much free time, I've come to realize, since I haven't updated in a solid two months.

I've been distracted with travels, two jobs, and getting settled yet again among it all.

I'm currently prepping for perhaps my most exciting travels of the summer and hope to update with a zero waste travel edition. My first true attempt, I might add, so I'm guaranteeing many mistakes.

Throughout all the adventures I've had this summer, I've been thinking a lot about this task I've set myself up to and all the excuses I've made for not being further along. I've realized that there have been a ton of subconscious excuses. I have the mindset that I am a zero waste advocate; therefore, I don't produce much trash. False. Every time I'm at work and I grab a pack of peanut butter crackers "just one time" it grows into a habit. A habit I don't even realize is happening. A habit I go to every time I'm hungry at work and have peanut butter crackers wrapped in plastic at my fingertips whenever I want them. This applies to other things as well, this is just an example.

So yesterday I found a series of blogs/projects (which I will share at the bottom) that have the same general thought process as me. These people looked at the American society and how it functions. They questioned how sustainable our practices are for future generations. They decided our practices can really suck. Then they decided to change said practices in their own lives.

So I decided that I'm going to start collecting the trash I produce. Starting right this second. Anything that can't be reused, recycled, or rotted will be saved to show you before I send it off to the landfill. Maybe at the end of the week. Maybe at the end of the month. It depends on how much trash I produce. I'm not really sure what to expect honestly. I have a feeling this vacation is going to be sobering. It's harder to be zero waste when I'm on a road trip for two weeks.

Fortunately, I have a father who supports me (and even agrees with me) on my views. So maybe it won't be too bad. I suppose we'll see the beginning of August.

Wish me luck! And if you wanna try it yourself, I wish you luck as well.

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