Saturday, July 20, 2013

Trash Tally #1

I hate my decision to do this. It's a pretty awful thing to do. Only because I am so much more aware of what I'm producing trash wise. So here it is. The amount of trash I've produced in four days. This isn't even all of it. I kept forgetting and throwing things away. So let's take a look at this terrible quality photo.

So what I've produced: granola bar wrappers (I think I threw away a few on accident), a tinfoil wrap from a sandwich, multiple stickers, plastic wrap with tape from a tattoo I got earlier this week, a waxy piece of paper from an online order, packaging from my prescription, a huge awful piece of plastic my watch came on, one of four poptart wrappers, and two cans on biscuits. No pictured: a Styrofoam cup/plastic straw (I know, I know).

I think that's it for four days. But today isn't over. You may think, not bad. But I think it's pretty bad. I leave for my trip tomorrow morning really early. Here's to hoping that I only produce about this much on average while on my trip. And hoping that when I get back, I'll make huge improvements. I'll keep collecting in the meantime.

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